Bio-Identical Vaginal Moisturizer

This Vaginal Moisturizing Gel helps to relieve dryness, eases related discomfort, and reduces abnormal odor often caused by a pH balance. This gentle formula is optimized for vaginas, mirroring the natural, optimal vaginal pH of 3.8-4.5 and formulated for an ideal iso-osmolarity value of 250-400 mOsmol/kg. Lowering elevated pH by closely mimicking the body’s natural lubricating response helps to promote a healthy and balanced vaginal ecosystem. This silky gel applies easily, leaving behind no stickiness for an all day hydrated and fresh feeling.

Key Benefits:

  • Provides lasting moisture and hydration
  • Gentle pH balanced formula
  • Iso-osmolar value optimized for vaginal lactobacilli health
  • Infused with adaptogens for well-aging support

Key Ingredients:

  • Black cohosh
  • Flaxseed Extract
  • Nettle Extract
  • Shatavari
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose
  • Hyaluronic Acid

Directions: Apply a pea size amount to index finger. Insert no more than 1 inch into vaginal opening to apply.

Trends: Well-Aging, 360 Wellness, Intimate Care, Adaptogens

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