“Clean” can be defined differently depending on your Brand Promise, but we all agree that clean, green and natural products should be safe and nontoxic. Cosmetic Solutions formulates, whenever possible, with natural and naturally derived ingredients. We create pure formulas with minimal ingredients, making certain to work with vendors and suppliers who follow global fairtrade practices as well as ethical sourcing and transparency.
In today’s beauty landscape, our team has certainly seen that consumers are looking for skin care ingredients that use natural and naturally derived ingredients. After all, the company was founded 30 years ago with one goal: to help consumers find a safe alternative to the harmful products and ingredients circulating at the time.

On the cutting-edge of sustainable products and ingredients well before our time, Cosmetic Solutions’ founders based their formulations on three safe active ingredients – Hyaluronic Acid, Glycolic Acid and Squalane. Through extensive research and clinical testing, the safety and efficacy of the products has been proven time and again – particularly in the rejuvenation and restoration of over-stressed and dehydrated skin.
Using years of technological knowledge and sustainable product innovation, we work diligently with brands to achieve their clean, organic, natural or vegan formulation goals while abiding by any ingredient restrictions and “no-no” lists.
Clean, Green & Organic Brands Form
Please complete the form below and let us know how we can assist you.