SOS Cellulite Treatment

As we get older, cellulite is a result of the skins inability to hold back the clumps of fat cells which push up against the connective tissue below one’s skin. This results in unsightly dimpled and pocketed texture on the most commonly affected areas of the body. For women this is usually the thighs, hips and buttocks, for men, it is usually the abdomen. Cosmetic Solution’s SOS Cellulite Treatment is a confidence boosting and visually altering wonder cream, crafted with the intention to lessen the appearance of cellulite areas by reducing the volume of fat cells and moisturizing the skin. It’s safe and revitalizing properties make this an obvious choice when it comes to cosmetic intervention.


Key Benefits
  • Cosmetically reduces the appearance of cellulite dimples
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Redefines your skins surface texture
  • Revitalizes your skin
  • Tones and firms for a smooth and sculpted design
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How it Works

To achieve this, we’ve incorporated an active  ingredient from a plant named Quinoa. This extract acts upon the cells within the hypodermis (layer of fat just below of the skin). The fat cells within this layer are referred to as Aldipose and cover our entire body. They also fulfill many functions, most importantly storing energy and contributing to the plasticity of tissue. The properties of this powerful agent go directly to work on the Aldipose fat layer, to affect the fat cells directly and adjust this critical component in the cellulite puzzle. By targeting the body’s natural MMP9 enzyme it inhibits the fat cells’ desire to load excessive fatty acids into the cellulite ridden area. It accomplishes this by limiting the fatty acids from penetrating the adipocyes (fat cells). Like an appetite suppressant for the cells, this extract suppresses their inclination to engorge and expand. Then, by stimulating the natural processes involved with recycling fat into energy, it prompts the cells into burning up fat already stored within, thus reucing the clumping and volume of fat cells on the surface area, relieving pressure and abating that orange peel effect. Finally, it rewires the Aldipose fat to maintain a non-fat storing disposition and increase the plasticity of this layer, warding off future accumulation of cellulite and strengthening the cells with skin sculpting precision. Merged into a delicate moisturizing lotion, for safe and easy application, you can rehydrate and reinforce any problematic areas by using this beautiful modeling and organically effective product to alter the image of embarrassing legs and thighs for confidence boosting and daily sustained results.

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